
40 hrs
self-paced online learning
- enroll and start anytime
- work through interactive lessons as quickly or slowly as you wish
Delivery Method
Online Bartender Course
Certificate from nationally recognized bartender school
PBSO Bartender Mixology Certificate
- certificate may be printed instantly upon completion
- certificates mailed upon request
- certificates are individually numbered
- certificate may be verified by employer
- employers may contact us to verify certification
What You Receive
Online Bartender Training

Spiral-bound Bartender's Training Manual & Recipe Guide
Online course access
Interactive course lessons
- text / multimedia
- color illustrations
- video demonstrations
- flashcards
- practice quizzes
- final exam
Resources & Downloads
- bartender manual e-book
- printable flashcards
- drink recipe e-book
- identification log
- incident log
- party bartending contract template
Free addon: Liquor Knowledge Online Course
Liquor Knowledge course
Online Course
Certificate of completion
Resources to help you find a bartending job!
- bartender resume template
- bartending job interview tips
- letter of recommendation
Unlimited student support
(no practice kit included)
- bartender resume template
- bartending job interview tips
- letter of recommendation